In the darkness,
you can hear it....
A Familiar Voice

When one casts the Find Familiar spell, a spirit is summoned and bound to the caster, taking on a simplistic animal form.
Simple, right?
But what happens when that spirit goes back to the dimension it came from, while it waits for its Master's call?
They play video games and stream, of course!

Koko the Black Cat Familiar

Over the years, I've been known by many names. Cat, Fiend, Shadow, Muffin, Princess Poopsipie. Some of those...I'm not too fond of. But if you want to call me anything, Koko works just fine! That's what my current boss calls me, anyway.Speaking of, that warlock is such a pain in the ass. You know they summon me as a cat? A cat! This chunky little creature with big gold eyes! ...Okay, I guess it's kind of a cute form, but still! Do they not know who I am??? ...Okaaay, I guess they technically just think I'm some spirit to be summoned at their will. Whatever! I'm just glad they don't summon me to be bait or anything stupid like that, they're a lot smarter than my previous bosses. I don't mind working with them.At least I still get plenty of time off to do what I want to do. Small victories, yeah? My pocket dimension is perfect. I've got everything I could ever want. It might not be the best quality gear, but I like to think once my warlock gets a little stronger, that might beef up my pocket dimension too. Who knows.Anyway, if you want to chat or watch me play games, you know where to find me!When I'm not being used as a surveillance camera,
watching over my warlock's party as they sleep...

Voice Commission TOS

This is where all the TOS information will go. It will link to a google doc form probably. Or Ko-fi. Still trying to figure out the best way to communicate and pay.- info
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- here
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